Where is Poof from and where do you ship?

Poof was born in Pakistan and now lives in Canada. We ship to Pakistan, Canada and the United States (for now!). 


Do your products work?

All skins are different and respond differently to skincare. We can't promise that all our products will work for everyone, but they have helped a lot of people with acne prone skin.


Are all your products treatment products for acne?

No, we don't claim any of our products treat-treat acne and will magically make your spots disappear. They help for sure! Because, even though they are cosmetic, they're always formulated keeping acne prone skin in mind.


Do the pimple patches work and do they work everywhere?

They work everywhere but they work best on juicy spots.


Does the Poofer work?

Poofer is a great short-term as well as long-term solution for acne scarring. In the short term, it swells up the skin the next day, reducing (sometimes fully) the appearance of your pitted acne scars. (Great to use one night before a party!)

In the long run, it helps build collagen and slowly improves the appearance of  the edges of your scars and your skin texture in general.


Where are your products manufactured?

We work with contract manufacturers in Pakistan, China and Canada. All of them are FDA/ISO/GMP-approved

Do all your products have biodegradable packaging?

Some of our products have fully biodegradable packaging but we strive for it constantly.


Are your products vegan?

Yes, all our products use plant-based ingredients!


Are your products safe to use during pregnancy?

We wouldn't recommend it because of preservatives added. We would encourage you to get in touch with your doctor and let them guide you.


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